Code42 software
Code42 software

code42 software

The installation process does not always remove the Windows services associated with Spectrum Protect/TSM, so follow these steps to remove the services manually: Remove the final components using the manual methods detailed below.You will be returned to the Add/Remove Programs screen when the uninstallation process is complete.Select OK if prompted to close the client scheduler or other Spectrum Protect/TSM-related services.Locate IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client/ IBM Spectrum Protect Client and select Uninstall.Open Windows Start Menu then type Control Panel.On older IBM clients some components are not completely removed by the uninstall process and in this case need to be removed manually (see section below the uninstall process). To remove the HFS IBM client software fully in Windows you will need to first uninstall the software. We understand that where neither you or your local IT Support have neither physical access to, nor the possibility of remotely logging in to, your machine, then the uninstall process will have to wait until such time as one of these is possible. Note: The process of uninstalling the old client software below requires a login to the machine in question. This process is specific to your operating system and instructions are detailed under the respective tabs below. Having deregistered a node account, it is now important to uninstall the IBM client software. You can easily deregister your machine account via the HFS Portal (select the node you wish to deregister and then choose the deregister node item in the left hand menu then click Proceed to the message displayed). The processes of uninstalling the client software and deregistering the account can occur in either order. Uninstalling the IBM client software and deregistering the old machine account frees up valuable licence capacity in the IBM-based service for the future.The Code42 CrashPlan product offers a better backup service than the old IBM-based client, as detailed on the benefits of the Code42 CrashPlan Cloud Backup Service page.They may well both fail due to competing for limited resources on your machine, or compete for access to the same file(s) at the same time. It is inefficient and poor practice to have two competing products backing up the same system.Leaving unused programs and apps on your computer is a security risk as they typically are not updated.

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Once you have Code42 CrashPlan successfully backing up all the data you wish to protect on any one machine for several days, you can now uninstall the old Spectrum Protect client software and deregister the machine from the legacy HFS desktop backup service.

Code42 software